io.plugins freeimage installation issue?

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at
Thu Jan 26 14:57:25 EST 2012

Hi Siggi,

First, again sorry for all the trouble!

Now, Christoph correctly pointed out that if you're using a 64-bit version of python, you need a 64-bit build of the FreeImage DLL. Unfortunately, the DLL provided by the FreeImage website is 32-bit only. Fortunately, Christoph provides 64-bit builds of scikits-image:

(It appears that you want‌exe .)

Now, to clarify things:
> I first uninstalled the old version and than installed the new one.

What do you mean exactly by "the new one"? Is that a new scikits-image build (e.g. from Christoph?)? A new FreeImage DLL (from Christoph or another source)?

First, you need to let us know whether your python 2.7 is 32- or 64-bit... you would have downloaded one or the other installer from If you don't recall this, then start up python and type:
import sys
print sys.maxsize > 2**32

If the result is "True" then you have a 64-bit build of python and you will need to get Christoph's 64-bit scikits-image build, which contains a 64-bit FreeImage DLL. If "False", then you should either use Christoph's 32-bit build, or install your own scikits-image and use the 32-bit FreeImage DLL provided by the FreeImage site.

Hope this is clear; if not please don't hesitate to ask me anything.


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