io.plugins freeimage installation issue?

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at
Thu Jan 26 13:12:05 EST 2012

> Since I'm not in my office today I tried to do the same at my BootCamp
> Win 7 64 Partition. Here I encountered a new problem.
> If I run the "" I get the error that the "OSError:
> Could not find libFreeImage in any of the following directories:"(full
> error output below). But I'm sure that it is in the right folder and
> that "" is looking in the right pace. How can that
> be?

That is indeed odd. You're certain that FreeImage.dll is in:

Could you pop up a command window and paste the following in, just to double-check:
dir C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scikits_image-0.4.2-py2.7-win-amd64.egg\skimage\io\_plugins

> By the way, it might be better and I think easy to change if the error
> "OSError: Could not find libFreeImage in any of the following
> directories:" is using the OS specific library name. Thats easier to
> understand for people like me that not relay know what they are doing.
> """
> OSError: Could not find libFreeImage in any of the following
> directories: 'C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\scikits_image-0.4.2-py2.7-
> win-amd64.egg\skimage\io\_plugins', '/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/local/
> lib', '/opt/local/lib', 'C:\Users\Siggi\lib'
> """

Definitely. All of the FreeImage loading stuff is still far too *NIX specific, in the search paths and also the errors. I'll try to fix that up.


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