Imshow and Linescan - first version

Christoph Gohlke cjgohlke at
Sat Feb 25 15:19:47 EST 2012

On 2/25/2012 11:10 AM, Tony Yu wrote:
> 2012/2/24 St�fan van der Walt <stefan at <mailto:stefan at>>
>     On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Guillaume Gay
>     <guillaume at
>     <mailto:guillaume at>> wrote:
>     > I forked sckimage on github and pushed the plugin there:
>     >
>     >
>     Cute!  I like it.
>     St�fan
> Hi Guillaume,
> Hmm, this is much more interesting than what I expected when you 
> mentioned a line scan tool. :)
> I made a PR to your repo, which I guess you already noticed (and 
> merged) and I have some more specific comments I want to add to your 
> PR, but I had some more general thoughts (i.e. probably not stuff that 
> should be implemented in this PR) that I want to post here:
> Plugin system
> ------
> It might be nice to have some sort of plugin system for the image 
> viewer. That way, tools like this could be implemented a bit more 
> easily and, also, easily added to the viewer or ignored by the user. I 
> think someone mentioned on the list that scikits-image should be 
> careful not to stray too far into GUI tools (I could be completely 
> mis-representing the idea here), and I agree to an extent. 
> Nevertheless, I think providing a viewer that supplies *an 
> infrastructure* for creating GUI tools might be really valuable. I 
> haven't really thought through what this plugin system would look 
> like, so it may just be a pipe dream.
> TIFFFile Viewer
> ------
> There was talk of integrating the viewer from TIFFFile---was the idea 
> to write a wrapper around the viewer (like Zach did for 
> `imread`/`imsave`) or to copy it into skimage and modify it. If it's 
> the latter, we should make sure that Christophe Gohlke is OK with that 
> (Christophe mentioned that it wouldn't make sense to fork TIFFFile 
> into skimage, but presumably, this would be different for 
> `tifffile.imshow` since we would likely want to modify it).
> Best,
> -Tony

Hi Tony,

sure it's OK to take imview or parts of it out of I'm not 
sure how much of its functionality applies to skimage, which seems to 
limit itself to well defined image formats. Tifffile has to deal with 
n-dimensional, planar, any bit depth per channel, two channel "RGB", and 
16 bit paletted images. The tifffile.imshow function is a hack to 
provide a preview of such (often ambiguous) data.

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