Feature Extraction

Jérôme Kieffer google at terre-adelie.org
Wed Feb 1 16:47:38 EST 2012


I wonder if you know "IPOL": http://www.ipol.im
They publish articles on image processing, featuring implementations (in C/C++).

I made bindings for their SIFT and SURF feature extractions & image alignment (only 2 img for now). My cython code could be released under BSD if you wish ... but beside this I don't know the license of (all) the original C++ code:
"The implementation of IPOL algorithms is distributed under a free software license, usually GPL, AGPL, LGPL or BSD."
It also includes Eigen:
Eigen is Free Software. It is licensed under the LGPL3+. As an alternative license choice, Eigen is also licensed under the GPL2+. 

So LGPL3 seems to be the most permissive license achievable :-/
If it does not make sense for skimage ... I will release it elsewhere but it can interest some of yours.

Jérôme Kieffer <google at terre-adelie.org>

the code is here:

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