
Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Wed Sep 21 13:11:18 EDT 2011

Hi Andy

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Andreas Mueller
<amueller at> wrote:
> Sorry for spamming the list but I was wondering whether you know about
> mahotas:

This ties in with my previous e-mail.  Because of its GPL license,
Mahotas would be allowed to use code from scikits.image, but not the
other way around.

That said, Luis (the author of Mahotas) has kindly contributed back
two patches to scikits.image in the past.

> It seems to be a project with similar goals as scikits.image. There are some
> very
> useful algorithms in there and I was wondering in how far people are
> replicating
> these in scikits.image.

We can always ask Luis whether he would relicense certain portions of
his code, although I think he is well informed about the different
licenses and probably had his reasons for choosing the GPL.


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