Renaming / 0.4 timeline

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at
Sun Oct 23 15:34:25 EDT 2011

> Tue Oct 18th to Sat Oct 22nd : File and merge PRs of work-in-progress
> made against the current repo

I've merged Neil's skeletonization PR and filed a new PR with a
refactored version of cell profiler's skeletonize algorithm (now called
medial axis). Neil, would you have the time to review this code?

St�fan, could you make a list of open PRs (as you had done for 0.3) with
priorities (those that have to be merged before the release) and requests
for help on code reviewing, if needed? The renaming PR surely has to be
merged, but it will be the last one. If the authors of open PRs can also
say when they will be finished implementing suggestions / if they have
already done so / if they are waiting for feedback, that would also help
for the planning...


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