releasing & packaging vs. renaming

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Sun Oct 9 00:34:20 EDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Emmanuelle Gouillart <
emmanuelle.gouillart at> wrote:

> > I know about the sklearn rename but what are the other scikits doing?
> > There seem to be quite a lot of projects:
> > If the sklearn people are happy with their rename, maybe that's the
> > way to go.
> Gaël tells me that the idea of renaming came from the statmodels scikit
> guys (see
> I
> don't know about the other scikits; one problem is that there is a great
> heterogeneity in the impact or the activity (and quality, I guess) among
> the different scikits branded on

Agreed: there's definitely a wide range of activity among the scikits.
sklearn and statsmodels are probably a couple of the more active ones, so
they'd be good examples to follow. And I also agree that changing the name
sooner, rather than later, would be best. +1

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