releasing & packaging vs. renaming

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Oct 8 16:23:46 EDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Emmanuelle Gouillart
<emmanuelle.gouillart at> wrote:
> package, that we had in July (going from scikits.image to skimage, see
> If we think that we're going to rename one day, then maybe we should do
> it as soon as possible, because otherwise we're going to have problems
> with package names: users will be confused, Yaroslav is going to have to
> make transition packages, and there will be problems on Pypi too. I have
> at home one of the developers of the scikit learn (Gaël Varoquaux), who's
> telling me that they are happy about the renaming (scikit.learn ->
> sklearn), but that it created a lot of confusion for packaging. If we

I was hesitant to do this initially--'skimage' doesn't sound
particularly appealing; but I think for uniformity across scikits, and
to sort out the namespace issues, we may just as well.

If you're in favour, please raise your hand.


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