FreeImage_GetPitch not found (on Win7 x64)

Dan Farmer dfarmernv at
Fri May 20 03:10:54 EDT 2011

Sorry for the delay, I pushed this branch

I've tested it on my system (Win7 x64 EPD 7), but obviously it needs
regression testing in linux (working on my vm, turns out Ubuntu 10.04
doesn't have any of the requirements for scikits.image at the correct
versions) and should probably be tested on Windows XP. So if anyone
has a chance to test it that'd be cool, otherwise I'll at least try to
run it on ubuntu in the next day or two.


On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Dan Farmer <dfarmernv at> wrote:
> So I made the change/minor fork for ctypeslib.load_library and it
> worked great for me. I had a few thoughts though.
> 1. The idea about pushing back to Numpy sounds great, but I wonder how
> to test it well enough? I imagine this is the type of thing that is
> used a lot and could break a lot of code if the behavior changes
> (e.g., people have already worked around it in some other manner,
> etc.) -- this one is minor from the scikits perspective, I just
> haven't really thought about how to change something in such a mature
> library before.
> 2. The "auto-detect" idea that Zach mentioned sounds good (try to
> import and call a function and if it fails try to load using the other
> calling convention and try again), but again thinking about Stefan's
> upstream comment that requires that load_library has some knowledge
> about the library being loaded (e.g., it needs a candidate test
> function to try to call).
> Anyway just thinking out loud, I'll push the branch in the morning
> (late here) and we can see if some other windows users can try it out
> to make sure it works on other systems.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> 2011/5/17 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>:
>> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Zachary Pincus <zachary.pincus at> wrote:
>>> Probably best to just branch off of Stefan's master, and then send him a pull request for your new branch. My FreeImage64 branch didn't touch any of the library-loading machinery at all (you could look at its diff), so any changes you make would merge cleanly with mine.
>> Zach's changes are now all merged into my branch.  Thanks, Zach!
>> Cheers
>> Stéfan

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