RFR: Image-collection reader

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Sat Nov 6 18:02:29 EDT 2010

Hi James

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 5:47 PM, James Turner <jturner at gemini.edu> wrote:
> I'm a bit confused about this being "proposed", since we were using
> it at the SciPy sprints(?). Not that me being confused matters a lot
> when I haven't been active on the project since, but just curious :-).

Your confusion is fully warranted :)  Like you mentioned, I haven't
merged your FITS plugin yet, and this is a building block in that
direction.  I'm just making sure everyone is happy with the proposed
changes--also those who weren't at the sprint.

Sorry for the long day; I'm playing catch-up now!


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