OpenCV Calibration Wrapping - Some questions

Chris Colbert sccolbert at
Thu Oct 15 08:14:01 EDT 2009

Man Holger, I must say (I just read your code on git), you picked up
my code an ran with it quite well! Impressive!

There are only a few things (semantic) that I would change. But they
are long-winded to explain here.

At any rate, fork my git branch, and push your changes to that. Then
send me a pull request and I will make the semantic changes and a unit

Also go ahead and create the utilities sub-dir if want...



On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Chris Colbert <sccolbert at> wrote:
> So we can keep all opencv stuff together, I would suggest that you
> make a fork of my branch:
> most all of the machinery to wrap the opencv functions from cython is
> already there. Take a look through the source to see how it's done.
> (It's fairly self documenting).
> The way I have been going about the wrapping is that each function
> (more or less) allows the user to do things the opencv way or the
> python way. That is, you can pass in an out argument, but if you dont,
> I create an appropriate one for you.
> I would like to keep everything under /opencv/, pure opencv routines.
> If you want to add some higher level convienence routines, I would
> make a subdirectory:  /opencv/utilities/  and put them in there. Try
> to use as much of the existing opencv-cython machinery as possible. No
> need to reinvent the wheel, and it will just make things harder to
> maintain.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:50 PM, SirVer <sirver at> wrote:
>> I just mentioned some hours ago that I wanted to have the OpenCV
>> calibration tools at my fingertips. Well, I decided to give it a go
>> myself and started by wrapping cvFindChessboard and cvDrawChessboard.
>> This already took a while since I am not very familiar with cython
>> (yet?); nevertheless I pushed a github branch - I hope I did
>> everything correctly, I was working the first time with git. You can
>> find the branch here:
>> I also send you a merge request.
>> Some questions remain for me though:
>> 1) Where do convenience wrappers go?
>> The OpenCv is terrible to use. I'd like to offer a more Pythonic
>> interface to the stuff I am currently wrapping. An Example would be an
>> ImageUndistorter class that would offer a single interface to
>> undistort multiple Images in a Row. Where should this go? obviously
>> into the opencv module, but how should this module be sorted?
>> 2) Utility scripts
>> I'd like to contribute my camcalib script which I wrote for intrinsic
>> calibration of monoscopic cameras. I wrapped the opencv with Ctypes
>> for that; obviously I will first add the needed functions to the
>> current opencv wrapper. The first question here is were do those
>> scripts live so that the user can easily start them as soon as the
>> scikit is installed?
>> 3) GUI dependency.
>> I use Pyqt for all my image processing tools because it is very fast
>> (200 fps is no problem to display) and because it is very convenient.
>> I feel that a image scikit should provide some GUI functionality (what
>> good is image processing without seeing images?) and I would urge to
>> investigate PyQt. With this question, I just want to get the ball
>> rolling; I feel the discussing of wether GUI tools are wanted or not
>> and which toolkit to use or not might be crucial for the evolution of
>> the image scikit.
>> Cheers,
>> Holger

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