
Gary Ruben gary.ruben at
Sat Oct 3 22:39:33 EDT 2009

Re, IO, has anyone looked into any of the binary file parser libraries
for Python?
For example, there's pyffi, construct and bdec.
Pyffi looks to me like the best
candidate if this approach was to be considered and it's BSD licensed.
The advantages are that this approach should be robust against faulty
files, there's a gui file editor, it provides access to all the file
contents (not just the image planes) and it may provide a nice general
way to read more general (non-image) binary files in numpy. A possible
disadvantage is that it doesn't take advantage of any of numpy's
binary file machinery so it may be slower, but maybe this could be
improved. It's not clear whether specifying the file format with
something like this makes life easier, but I thought I'd put it out

Construct may be worth a look, but I can't see any license info.

There's also bdec, but it's lgpl'ed so not a candidate:


On Oct 4, 11:53 am, Stéfan van der Walt <ste... at> wrote:
> 2009/10/4 Damian Eads <e... at>:
> > Agreed, I don't think we want to replicate efforts to wrap existing
> > libraries. However, I think rewrapping is acceptable if we offer a
> > much simpler, functional interface than what has been done before. One
> > of the reasons why MATLAB is so popular is its functional style and
> > use of arrays to represent most data. If we can greatly reduce
> > boilerplating then duplicating efforts may be worthwhile.
> Right on.
> > Yes, I still need to integrate the morphology code into your branch,
> > once I get around figuring out how GIT works.
> The easiest way may be to:
> 1. Branch off the current master
> 2. Copy your changes in and commit as necessary
> 3. Push back to the server using
> git push origin <your_current_branch_name>
> 4. Click on "Request Merge"
> The most important thing is not to merge with my or other branches
> while developing.  If you feel you'd like to provide a patch that
> would provide cleanly, you can rebase, as long as you are aware of the
> problems that can cause (for example, never rebase published changes).
> Re: morphologie -- should we consider including the code from the
> other Python library as well?
> Regards
> Stéfan

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