
Carlos da Silva Santos carlos.s.santos at
Fri Oct 2 10:21:46 EDT 2009

I have no experience with OpenCV but I saw that OpenCV 2.O (released
last week) has a new python interface. From what I could tell, they
are using a custom wrapper generator (i.e no swig, ctypes or cython):



On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Chris Colbert <sccolbert at> wrote:
> I actually started work on an OpenCV wrapper using Cython a couple of
> months ago. I got about 25% complete but then got busy with other
> things. I was real carefully about releasing the GIL whenever possible
> to make multi-core usage a reality. In some basic tests, the
> performance was on par with using opencv from pure C (more or less).
> I have since been wanting to get back to working on the wrapper, but
> I've been toying with the idea of instead of just wrapping the OpenCV
> array type and providing functions to convert to and from numpy
> arrays, to use a numpy array as the base data type (perhaps through
> subclassing or a hidden attribute; i havent yet decided) and
> dynamically creating/updating OpenCV array headers that point to the
> numpy data. I think this approach would be more natural and pythonic
> (at a small cost for speed). It would also eleminate the need to wrap
> the entire opencv library as simple manipulations can just be done
> with numpy or scipy.ndimage
> I have some free time now again, and I could ramp back up my work on
> this or perhaps merge the work into this project if the devs show
> interest.
> You can take a look at the current code here:
> Cheers!
> Chris
> On Sep 25, 11:21 am, Stéfan van der Walt <ste... at> wrote:
>> 2009/9/25 Damian Eads <e... at>:
>> > Have you considered LIBCVD as an alternative to OpenCV? It is highly
>> > optimized for frame-rate real-time applications but also has a nice,
>> > succinct, simple (almost pythonic) syntax.
>> What is the feature scope of CVD compared to OpenCV?
>> Stéfan

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