Histograms added to Fancy Imshow and ColorMixer

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Fri Nov 6 00:09:31 EST 2009

Hi Chris

2009/11/6 Chris Colbert <sccolbert at gmail.com>:
> At any rate,  you can, you can check out the code from my IO branch on git.
> And here is a screenshot to wet your appetite:
> http://therealstevencolbert.com/dump/histograms.png

That looks really awesome!

Unfortunately, when I try this on my machine, it gobbles up all the
memory and then exits with

Python(28697,0x7fff70ad2be0) malloc: *** error for object 0x1184f7710:
incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified
after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

The initial display aspect ratio also looks a bit strange.


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