Pending release of 0.3

SirVer sirver at
Wed Nov 4 08:06:53 EST 2009

hi all,

while I agree that the plugin architecture is nice and flexible it is
not suitable for fast image displaying. My GUI stuff was designed for
real live displays of multiple cameras at once and doesn't fit nicely
into the plugin architecture (though the other way round is true: If
you do not need the speed, you could write a plugin using my GUI

Stefan, concerning my GUI branch:
I played around with pyqt and QImages and they just couldn't deliver
what I needed: Speed. The only route to go was OpenGL. I personally
feel that PyOpenGL is not a hard dependency, because it is a Ctypes
wrapper around a library that is installed on all systems per Default
these days. On the other side, I was pretty sure (at design time) that
I only needed to display images; that is convert numpy arrays to
OpenGL textures and I didn't want to introduce another dependency
(Pyglet) for that. I also think Pyglet with its focus on Multi Media
(e.g. also sound, music) is not a wise dependency for an image
processing toolkit.


On 4 Nov., 12:26, Chris Colbert <sccolb... at> wrote:
> Sure, i'll fix my grammar and make a writeup.
> 2009/11/4 Stéfan van der Walt <ste... at>:
> > Hey Chris
> > 2009/11/4 Chris Colbert <sccolb... at>:
> >> continuing on...
> >> for the pygtk plugin:
> > Could you take this e-mail and format is as a docstring somewhere in
> > the plugins?  How to write a plugin is definiately a topic for the
> > docs (we could also put it in a stand-alone file inside docs/source if
> > you prefer).
> >> def __app_show():
> >>     window_manager.register_callback(gtk.main_quit)
> >>     gtk.main()
> > I think we used _app_show() in the end.
> > Cheers
> > Stéfan

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