[PyVault-users] download python 2.4 rpm

Jeff Pitman symbiont at berlios.de
Thu Jul 14 09:50:02 CEST 2005

On Wednesday 13 July 2005 22:41, wayne yu wrote:
> Is there such python2.4.rpm exists for redhat
> enterpise version 3.

I have not ported to RHEL3 yet.  Since EL3 is from RH9, the effort has 
already been done; just a matter of setting up the environments to do 

I haven't focused much on this lately.  I'm trying to get my build 
environment setup to be more automatic, publishing packages etc.  While 
I'm doing this I'm also moving to the following platforms:

el3 (centos 3.5), el4 (centos 4), fc3, fc4.
and only yum.

One problem with the el3 build of python2.4: it needs an up-to-date 
tcl/tk/tix setup and maybe other support packages.  If you don't mind 
this, stick around for a bit and I'll work on building this up.


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