[Pythonmac-SIG] "pythonw" in a Unix build

Christopher Barker pythonchb at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 12:38:32 EST 2021

On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 1:34 AM Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at mac.com>

> As mentioned on python-dev adding the “pythonw” functionality to the unix
> build is not very hard. I expect that integrating with the build system
> (Makefile/configure script) will be the hardest part due to introducing
> different behaviour for the macOS platform.

Thanks Ronald, that confirms my suspicions that this is really an autoconf
issue. Which makes it an utter mystery to me :-(

> And we already have a work around in the core python code, it's just that
> the build system needs to be set up to build it outside of a Framework.
> The framework build does not have a workaround for these problems, it has
> a proper solution ;-).

Glad to hear that -- in earlier conversations, I got the impression that
you thought the executable wrapper was kind of a hack :-).

Anyway -- if any of you have autoconf expertise and the inclination, I'd
love to see this get done, and would be glad to help as best I can.


Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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