[Pythonmac-SIG] Python 3.8 (latest release)problem

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Sat May 30 04:15:57 EDT 2020

On May 30, 2020, at 04:04, Ronald Oussoren via Pythonmac-SIG <pythonmac-sig at python.org> wrote:
>> On 29 May 2020, at 12:44, Don Bowers <donald.bowers at zen.co.uk> wrote:
>> iMac (2009)  OS X El Capitan v  10.11.6
>> Sirs, A few days ago I downloaded and installed the latest release of python 3.8.3.
>> All seemed normal at first until I tried to Cut & Paste parts of a script I was working on in the IDLE
>> environment. The following are screen shots that are generally self explanatory;
>>         <Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 17.58.53.png>
>> As can be seen, the cut and copy are greyed out and inoperative and I don’t remember the "set" and "clear" Breakpoints, at the bottom.  It is as if nothing had been selected.
>> Such a situation makes the editor practically unusable so I quit out of the IDLE and Python.
> I get the same behaviour on macOS 10.15.5, both with 3.8.3 and the 3.9 beta. 3.7.4 works correctly.   This happens both in the interactive shell and in edit windows.  I’d guess this is a problem with the bundled copy of Tk.
> Could you file a bug on bugs.python.org?

It looks like this problem was caused by a change a couple of months ago for Issue39885:


which had the side effect of disabling the cut and copy context menu items.

A fix for that regression was just merged yesterday so the problem should be resolved in the next set of releases,
3.8.4 and 3.7.8, which should both be available by mid-July.

  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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