[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Python on Mac

Jack Jansen jack.jansen at cwi.nl
Wed Dec 30 06:50:55 EST 2020

if I googled correctly that “Python and Arduino” series is from 2014. At that time there was something to be said for using Python 2.7, but in 2020 that is no longer true. And, actually, since Python 2.7 has finally been moved to end-of-life last year many tutorials that refer to Python 2.7 specifically will stop to work (as you have found out).

Your best bet is to ignore all the version numbers Paul McWorther mentions in his tutorial, and try to download the latest version of everything. See how far that gets you.

You’re not the first one to run into this problem, as you can see from the comments under the video, but unfortunately none of the people that came across the Python 2.7 issues added comments saying what they had to do to run the tutorial in 2020. If you get it to work: maybe add a comment to the video to say what you had to change to make it work?

And feel free to post problems here,


> On  29-Dec-2020, at 19:29 , Guido Deboeck <guido54321 at gmail.com> wrote:
> In Lesson 2 of Python and Arduino by Paul McWhorter he suggest downloading Python 2.7 rather than the more recent version 3.x. He also suggests to download pyserial 2.7 as well as vPhython. I have search for pyserial 2.7 and have not been able to find it on the web As to vPhython I found PyCharm, but that is not for free. Could you pls help me to find pyserial 2.7 as well as vPhython for use on a Mac. Thank you.
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Jack Jansen, <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

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