[Pythonmac-SIG] [ANN] First alpha release for PyObjC 5.0

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Aug 5 04:38:08 EDT 2018

[This is a cross-post from http://blog.ronaldoussoren.net]

I pushed a first alpha release for PyObjC 5.0 to PyPI, it can be installed with “pip install –pre pyobc”.

The major change in the 5.0 release is the addition of API bindings for macOS 10.14. This release is mostly up-to-date w.r.t. developer beta 3 of that release.

Other than updating existing API bindings this release adds new framework bindings for the following frameworks:

	• AdSupport
	• CoreAudio (new in macOS 10.0)
	• CoreAudioKit (new in macOS 10.4)
	• CoreMedia (new in macOS 10.7)
	• CoreMediaIO (new in macOS 10.7)
	• DiscRecording (new in macOS 10.2)
	• DiscRecordingUI (new in macOS 10.2)
	• DVDPlayback (new in macOS 10.3)
	• MediaToolbox
	• NaturalLanguage
	• Network
	• OSAKit (new in macOS 10.4)
	• UserNotifications
	• VideoSubscriberAccount

The bindings for CoreAudio, CoreMedia and MediaToolbox aren’t fully usable in this release, I have to write C code for a number of APIs and data structures that cannot be accessed using the generic FFI in pyobjc-core.

This alpha release only included wheels for the 64-bit installer of Python 3.7 (the default download on Python.org), the final release will include the full set of wheels.


The release is a week later and less complete than I had hoped earlier. The reason for that is primarily that I was too optimistic on the amount of work I’d be able to do before and during EuroPython. In the end I barely touched my computer for PyObjC work at EuroPython, and not at all during the trip around Scotland beforehand (both of which were good for me, but less so for making progress)



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