[Pythonmac-SIG] codesigning py2app/wxPython app failing

Brendan Simon (eTRIX) brendan.simon at etrix.com.au
Sun Aug 23 04:44:01 CEST 2015

I'm trying to codesign a wxPython app bundle generated with py2app.
(python2.7, wxPython 3.0.2, Intel 64/32-bit, build on 10.10.5, XCode 6.4

I'm getting the following error:

$ codesign -vvvv -f --deep -s <mycredentials>dist/<myapp>.app
dist/<myapp>.app: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)
In subcomponent:

I've read that this can be a problem if a framework is signed, but it
isn't.  Also "codesign -f" is supposed to replace any signed objects
anyway, right?

$ codesign -vvvv dist/<myapp>.app/Contents/Frameworks/libncursesw.5.dylib
dist/<myapp>.app/Contents/Frameworks/libncursesw.5.dylib: code object is
not signed at all
In architecture: x86_64

For testing, I removed libncursesw.5.lib, but now codesign complains
about dist/<myapp>.app/Contents/Frameworks/libwx_osx_cocoau-

If I remove libwx_osx_cocoau-, it complains about

If I remove Python.framework, it complains about

If I remove python, I don't get any errors referencing any files or
directories, but I still get the "code failed to satisyfy specified code

$ codesign -vvvv -f --deep -s "Sureshot" dist/<myapp>.app
dist/<myapp>.app: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)

I set up the following environment variable to resolve a
codesign_allocate error.  There were other codesign_allocate binaries on
my system but this is the only one that seemed to not complain.

export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE="/usr/bin/codesign_allocate"

Any ideas about what is going on and how to resolve this?

Is it a certificate issue perhaps?  I purchased a class2 cert from
sslstart.com.  I was a renewed one and I'm not 100% sure I'm using the
correct private key for the certificate.  Would that cause the above errors?

I've never had any success signing an app.  I get the same errors with
another cert/private key that someone else provided to me (from
www.digicert.com).  KeyChain says that both certs were signed by an
unknown authority.  Could this be the issue?

Thanks for any help.

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