[Pythonmac-SIG] Package for building DMG installers from pip requirements

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 16:42:05 CEST 2014


On 9/22/14, Charlie Clark <charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu> wrote:
> Am .09.2014, 16:24 Uhr, schrieb Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>:
>> Sorry to be dumb, but I don't understand.  Do you mean that you built
>> a source tarball of your own package and you tried to modify the
>> dependencies of other packages from that source tarball setup.py?
> Nothing to do with dependencies.
>> Was there any difference between source and wheel installation?
> Yes, the wheel includes tests and other code we don't have in the source
> installation. I don't know why this is the case as I, fortunately, don't
> manage releases and don't need to learn the pitfalls of any new formats.
> For us it was just easier to drop it.

So just to be clear, the difference here is between the instlal you got for:

pip install your-package

where `your-package` was either an sdist built with ``python setup.py
sdist`` or a wheel built with ``python setup.py bdist_wheel``?

Is your package online somewhere to have a look at the setup.py?

My best guess would be you had some custom code for building the sdist
that is not being run for other distutils build commands.  If that's
the case, then you could certainly reasonably blame the fact that
distutils is complicated, but it would not be a general problem with



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