[Pythonmac-SIG] [OT] advice on distributing for different OSs

DavidWorrall vip at avatar.com.au
Thu May 23 08:49:07 CEST 2013

Hi All,
Chris and Ronald's posting: Advice wanted on dependency building... prompts me to ask this group for some assistance, if you are able.

I've been developing in Python on Mac's since b4 OSX and I have to give a workshop on the other side of the world in a (networked) non-OSX university lab (Windows, I think).

Now I know dependencies are one of python's strengths, but my own working environment is such a rat's nest hotch-potch of
different tools it got me to wondering if there are some angels out there who support a downloadable collection of useful tools for various versions that python on OSX, Linux and Windows OSs that members of this group would recommend.

2.7.x seems the most viable Python. My orientation is scientific with an added emphasis on sound.
I've looked at Enthought's offerings, for example. They seem pretty slick, but don't know what corporate "dependencies" I might be inadvertently "buying" into in adopting their builds.

Any thoughts/recommendations- or suggestions of a more appropriate forum to ask this - would be much appreciated.


Dr David Worrall
Experimental Composer, Polymedia
Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University
David.Worrall at anu.edu.au
Board Member, International Community for Auditory Display
Regional Editor, Organised Sound (CUP) 
worrall.avatar.com.au	sonification.com.au

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