[Pythonmac-SIG] ASL library

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed May 15 21:53:38 CEST 2013


With OSX 10.8 the stdout and stderr streams of applications no longer end up in Console.app, which is fairly annoying when debugging problems in applications created with py2app. I've been researching how I can work around this, and seem to be successfull (the fix is in the repository, and I hope to push out a release next weekend after rebuilding the stub executables in a VM that has a compiler that can generate PPC binaries).

Anyways, while researching the solution I started playing with ASL (the Apple replacement for the venerable syslog API), and now know way too much about that libary. I've created a python binding for ASL while the information is still fresh, it for now is only available on bitbucket: <https://bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren/asl>.  I need to do some testing on older OSX releases before I push a proper release to PyPI, even if I don't expect problems.

The library not only makes it possible to write arbitrary messages to the ASL database, but can also be used to query the database.

Hopefully I won't have to write C code the next time I want to play with ASL :-)


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