[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app and PyQt: QT plugins cause loading multiple QT library versions

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Mon Nov 26 10:28:30 CET 2012

On 26 Nov, 2012, at 0:18, Christian Tismer <tismer at stackless.com> wrote:

> Hi Ronald,
> I have run my install in Wing IDE and found out that the error was
> introduced by my wrong usage of MachOStandalone.py.
> I simply ran MachOStandalone.run(path) on the path of my pyside
> build, assuming that everything works from alone.

What are you trying to accomplish?

> I was not aware that MachOStandalone assumes that all roots live
> below a 'Contents' directory.

That's because the primary usecase for MachOStandalone is creating
standalone OSX application or plugin bundles, and those always
have a 'Contents' directory (and a particular directory structure w.r.t.
the location where macholib can copy the libraries needed to make
a bundle standalone)

> things worked great for frameworks that are really in that place,
> but for plugins, things went wrong:
> The plugins live simply in 'plugins', which has 7 chars, not 8 ...
> So actually my usage of macholib was wrong, not macholib. I was not
> aware of a 'skipcontents' variable that assumes that the roots all
> live in that location.

> Sorry about the needless confusion. I will change my setup after
> having a look at the pyside support code.

I'm interested to hear about your particular usecase, it might be useful
to document your usecase in the macholib documentation or even add
full support for it.


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