[Pythonmac-SIG] Concise documentation for PyObjC?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Mon Jul 30 08:59:57 CEST 2012

On 29 Jul, 2012, at 0:51, John Velman <velman at cox.net> wrote:

> I'm on OSX 10.7.4 (and will probably move to 10.8 soon).  My XCode is
> 4.3.3.
> I'm writing a minimalist program to examine and edit markdown.  Since the
> basic program is pretty minimal I want to add plugin extensions.
> I found this excellent example by Steven Degutis, from back in 2010,
> (Xcode 3):
> (http://www.informit.com/blogs/blog.aspx?uk=Ask-Big-Nerd-Ranch-Adding-Python-Scripting-to-Cocoa-apps)
> Using this as an example, I added a plugin management class (ObjC), and
> added a class implemented in Python to execute the plugins.  I added
> Python.framework to my project in the usual way. I used some Steven Degutis'
> plugins to test it. Everything worked with no problem.  Very easy!
> (The XCode 4.3.3 application includes Python.framework for both 2.6 and 2.7.,
> and PyObjC is in there).
> I've looked for documentation with Google, and so far I've learned
>   - PyObjC is s.o.l.
>   - PyObjC is e.o.l.
>   - There are a million old tutorials on using PyObjC to build a whole
>     app.
>   - There is a new version of PyObjC comming out shortly (probably right,
>     I think I found this on this list)

I'm still working on that new release. I'm working it in my spare time, and the project scope is fairly large, which explains why it is moving forward so slowly.

>   - PyObjC is no longer included in XCode (WRONG).

That one is actually true, there are no PyObjC templates shipped with Xcode.

PyObjC is still shipped with OSX though.

>   - PyObjC doesn't work on Lion (WRONG).

PyObjC should work just fine on Lion, and Mountain Lion.

> But I can't find any documentation. I'd really like it if someone could
> point me to some concise documentation.  I don't need GUI templates in IB.
> I don't even need Python file templates.  And I don't think I want a
> tutorial.  Just some syntax and semantics for def, @classmethod, other
> things that I might need that aren't in the examples.

http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/ contains documentation. The version information on that site is way out of date, but the documentation hasn't changed much since then.

> Since everything works so well and so easily, I'd like to stick with Python
> instead of learning Lua, using AppleScript, or any of 100 other possible
> solutions.
> Thanks,
> John Velman
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