[Pythonmac-SIG] PyQT on Lion? (Charlie Clark)

Arana Fireheart aranafireheart at mac.com
Wed Jul 11 14:41:18 CEST 2012


	I tried virtualenv after reading lots of people extolling it's virtues. Having had little luck with other methods I thought I would give it a try. I have managed to get this all built on my MacBookPro which is running Snow Leopard, but not on my desktop machine (iMac). HomeBrew lists PyQT as installed, but when I try to run some code it fails with a "can't find module". 

	What I don't get is why python can't locate the installed modules. Do you have any hints as to how I can track this down?


On Jul 11, 2012, at 6:00 AM, pythonmac-sig-request at python.org wrote:

> From: "Charlie Clark" <charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu>
> Subject: Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] PyQT on Lion?
> Date: July 10, 2012 1:37:15 PM EDT
> To: pythonmac-sig at python.org
> Am 10.07.2012, 18:04 Uhr, schrieb Arana Fireheart <aranafireheart at mac.com>:
>> Hi,
>> 	I have been trying to build a version of Python and PyQT for some time now on my iMac (Core 2 Duo) running 10.7.4
>> 	I have not been able to get any configuration(s) to work properly. I am currently trying to build in a virtual environment using homebrew.
>> 	I have two problems that I can not seem to resolve. First I can not seem to be able to figure out how to get pyserial to install properly. Also once if I try to comment out the import serial line, I'm told that python can't find PyQT. Any ideas? This is about the fourth build I have tried, and I can't seem to ever get ALL of the pieces to work on my mac (I've build successfully in Ubuntu, running under Paralells)
> I think the virtualenv might be a challenge. PyQT works fine on Lion and it did on Snow Leopard. I know you're using Homebrew but you might want to try using the MacPorts version because it will install the binary and save you a heck of a build time. I use it to build LinkChecker on Mac OS.
> Charlie
> -- 

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