[Pythonmac-SIG] Problem Running App built with Py2App

Jan Flyborg jan.flyborg at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 19:07:40 CEST 2012

I am not an expert on py2app, per se, but the easiest way to solve
problems like this, is normally to try to remove stuff from your
build, just to see if you can make it work.
Start with a minimal script and see if you can make it work and then
add in more and more modules to see when the problem arrives.

Also, "7483:707" looks like a line and column number, but since I do
not have access to the code it is hard to tell. Maybe that is
something you can investigate.

    //Jan Flyborg

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Michael Forzano
<michaeldforzano at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to build an app with Py2app. I'm on Python2.7 and Mac OSX 10.7.
> The error occurs on OSX 10.5 as well. The app builds successfully, but when
> running it in console with the command:
> rsg.app/Content/MacOS/rsg
> I get the following error:
> 2012-07-05 20:34:56.090 rsg[7483:707] rsg Error
> Does anyone know what's going on or how we might be able to get some more
> information, i.e. a stack trace? The app uses WXPython among other things.
> The app ran fine when built on 2.6, but due to our updated code depending on
> 2.7 this is no longer an option. If you guys need more info let me know, as
> this error isn't very descriptive so not sure where to even start looking
> for the cause.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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Jan Flyborg CTO - Esentus Technology AB - www.esentus.com - +46 702
854132 (mobile)

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