[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app and nested packages

Russell E. Owen rowen at uw.edu
Wed Apr 25 22:51:56 CEST 2012

In article <7DA2DE5D-DCBC-404E-83CD-0A243374ED43 at mac.com>,
 Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at mac.com> wrote:

> On 25 Apr, 2012, at 2:17, Chris Barker wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 4:29 AM, Ronald Oussoren
> >> The option "packages" currently always stores the included package outside 
> >> of site-packages.zip to ensure that data files can be loaded in the old 
> >> pre-pkgresources way (that is, by opening paths relative to 
> >> somepackage.__file__).
> > 
> > which is useful, but another thought -- maybe there could be two options:
> > 
> > "packages" and "full_packages" or something -- so one would simple add
> > the package to the modulegraph, to catch dynamic imports, and the
> > other would do what is done now -- include the whole darn thing.
> > 
> > One other issue with the "whole darn thing" option, is that you get
> > the *.py, *.pyc, Na *.pyo files -- so it's maybe three times as big as
> > it could be -- I wonder if it's worth cleaning that up.
> Adding "full_packages"  for the current behavior and giving "packages" a 
> semantics that's simular to "modules" would be useful.

Please consider retaining the current meaning for the current name and 
pick a new name for the new meaning (if you can figure one out that 
makes sense). That would preserve backwards compatibility.

Is the inclusion of .pyc and .pyo files a significant problem? If they 
are not already present then they will be regenerated next time the 
application is run. Though if some .py files are never loaded then the 
associated .pyc and .pyo files are wasted space.

-- Russell

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