[Pythonmac-SIG] Problems with CoreGraphics API post-Snow Leopard

João Leão joaoleao at gmx.net
Thu Apr 19 13:32:51 CEST 2012

On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:16 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> On 17 Apr, 2012, at 17:48, João Leão wrote:
>> Hi list
>> I have an old script using the CoreGraphics API that's no longer working properly since Snow Leopard.
>> I' running Lion with the default Python, which is 2.7.1.
>> I googled about this and it seems that's because Python is 64-bit now and some old data types don't work anymore.
> Which library do you use? That is, is there "import CoreGraphics" at the top of your file or "import Quartz"?  The former is a Apple library, the latter is part of PyObjC.

import CoreGraphics. It´s the Apple library.

> Ronald

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