[Pythonmac-SIG] Anyone tried to build python or extensions with XCode 4.0?

Mark Livingstone livingstonemark at gmail.com
Sat Mar 19 02:03:27 CET 2011

Ok, what you say is true for the release version of XCode 4.

However, I have just installed XCode 4.0.1. When it installed, it
moved my existing XCode 3..26 into the /Developer.old folder. I went
in there, ran XCode 3 and with no changes was able to compile a 10.5
SDK version of the CUDA test application.

I think Apple has just decided to draw a line in the sand with XCode
4. They are still supporting XCode3 as can be seen by the 3.2.6
release after the release of 4.0.0. I am writing this msg on an Intel
Mac Pro which I bought within days of their release so I don't doubt
there are G5s still doing Sterling service, but we all know that Apple
is not afraid to say "Time to move on". It is not Apple who is begging
their customers to stop using IE6!!

I can't wait to see what innovative software XCode 4 will inspire us to write.

On 19 March 2011 05:32, Jeff Senn <senn at maya.com> wrote:
> First, you should become aware of this:
> http://www.macstories.net/news/developers-xcode-4-will-drop-support-for-10-5-sdk/
> In particular the difficult part (i.e. beyond just finding (restoring?) the right library
> and header files for the SDKs) is that the toolset in XCode 4 has the PPC support
> removed from it.  So... although you can probably without *too* much trouble, build 10.5 intel only
> (and possibly 10.4 intel only), if you need to support PPC then you'd better keep a copy of
> XCode 3 around...
> Note: installing the latest XCode 4 actually *silently* deletes the /Developer/SDKs for 10.4 and 10.5.
> <sarcasm> Nice! </sarcasm>

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