[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app os.getenv and path not working

Prashant Saxena animator333 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 10 13:20:00 CET 2011


Mac Leopard 10.5.5 Intel
python 2.6.6
py2app 0.5.2

My program is working fine in source environment. In source environment 
'os.getenv' is working fine. When deploying .app using
py2app 'os.getenv' is returning none. I am also facing problems when executing 
external program using wx.Process. These programs
are available on path and there is no problem when executing them using terminal 
or running from my script in source environment.
I tried using full path of these external programs but they are also complaining 
about their own environment vars missing.
I am new to mac and absolutely node idea why .app is not able to access 
environment variables.



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