[Pythonmac-SIG] Amateur question about modules

Russell E. Owen rowen at uw.edu
Fri Nov 5 20:23:01 CET 2010

In article <4CD2E712.9080107 at noaa.gov>,
 Christopher Barker <Chris.Barker at noaa.gov> wrote:

> On 11/3/10 3:30 PM, Kevin Walzer wrote:
> >> So, how can I correctly import this module?
> >> And where should I put it, so Python can find it.
> > TkSnack is a Tkinter wrapper for the Snack sound library. You'll need to
> > install TkSnack in your site-packages path and Snack in a place where
> > Tkinter can find it like /Library/Tcl. Google can direct you to download
> > sites.
> Chances are, TkSnack will come as an egg which you can easy_install, or 
> a with a setup.py that will isntall it to the right place for you:
> python setup.py install
> Just make sure "python" runs the python you think it does.
> -Chris


The snack source package does include a python subdirectory with the 
necessary trivial setup.py file (which I contributed). All it does is 
copy the one file tkSnack.py to site-packages; you can do that manually 
if you prefer.


-- Russell

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