[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app annoyance

Kevin Walzer kw at codebykevin.com
Tue Jan 26 15:57:04 CET 2010

On 1/26/10 6:17 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
> The codebase for py2app is incomprehensible at times, although that is partially caused by external contraints (distutils and the attempt to mirror py2exe's interface).  It is all python code though and it should therefore be possible to clean it up without diving into C.
I ran into difficulties with macholib. I didn't understand how to fix 
error messages like this:

 > error: unpack requires a string argument of length 32
->  return cls.from_tuple(struct.unpack(endian + cls._format_, s), **kw)

I tried to isolate what was going on, but nothing I tried worked. 
Eventually I gave up.

>> But Ronald sees to think there are real advantages to py2app, and he would know.
> I prefer py2app over bundlebuilder, mostly because py2app can create standalone application without my specifying each and every file that needs to be included.

Bundlebuilder is more work in this respect, that's true.

>> If only I had more time for this stuff!
> What bugs my most about py2app discussions on this list is that there are too many people that complain and yet no-one seems to be inclined to do anything.

Ronald, did you see the patches included in this message?


These may solve some of the issues that others have been reporting. I 
encouraged the author of these patches to send them to you.

(They didn't solve my own issues with py2app, which continues to report 
"New Mach-O header is too large to relocate" even after the patches. 
According to notes from Bob Ippolito in the list archives, the only 
solution here may be to recompile Tcl/Tk with different   headerpad 
flags, which I don't have time to do.)


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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