[Pythonmac-SIG] path, xcode, and python

Adam Morris amorris at mistermorris.com
Tue Jan 5 11:54:12 CET 2010

Hi all,

Just trying to get my system set up for some coding ... decided to reinstall
everything (Snow Leopard) from scratch. What a mistake that was.

I updated to 10.6.2, installed Xcode and THEN installed python 2.6.4. I
think that might have something to do with two problems I'm seeing. The
major one is:

import Foundation, Appkit doesn't work with import error (copy of path is is

The other one -- I don't know if this is related -- but when I run in
interactive mode I can import appscripts no problemo but when I run it from
a script (with FastScripts) it gives me an import error.

I've looked around the internet for some help, focusing on how path works
(something I'm missing?) but I can't help but think it's because I should
have installed XCode after doing the python upgrade. Also because I did
exactly that previously.

Any insight?


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