[Pythonmac-SIG] Python app with aemreceive is not scriptable

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Mon Jan 4 12:37:37 CET 2010

Kevin Walzer wrote:

> I'm trying to use aemreceive to allow one of my Python applications to receive simple Apple Events.
> [...]
> The idea here is to allow the application to execute Python code in response to an Apple Event.
> I have included a simple SDEF file in the app bundle that adds the appropriate command:
> [...]
> However, when I try to open the application's AS dictionary in Script Editor, the application is grayed out, showing that it is not scriptable. Furthermore, when I run this script in Script Editor:

Sounds like you forgot to add an OSAScriptingDefinition entry containing the sdef's filename to your info.plist. 

Also, bear in mind that sdef-only apps won't work in 10.4 or earlier; if that's a concern then you'll need to provide an aete as well.


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