[Pythonmac-SIG] problems with Distributed Objects and PyObjC

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Oct 25 12:11:32 CET 2009

On 24 Oct, 2009, at 15:23, Irmen de Jong wrote:

> Hamish Sanderson wrote:
>> Reading the docs. A few questions, if you don't mind:
>> - Will Pyro play well with PyObjC objects?
> I can't say anything about this, I have zero experience with PyObjC.
>> - How does it compare to, say, DO+Bonjour (which is the only object-oriented IPC system I'm vaguely familiar with)?
> Pyro is a 100% Python remote object library and as such will be
> different on a lot of aspects, I think, because it is not tied to any OS specific technology (other than TCP/IP sockets).
> Pyro is capable of handling any Python object that can be pickled.
> It uses Python's native pickle format for data transfer, which makes it quite fast.
> It has no auto discovery mechanism but it has a centralized object registry, which can be discovered by other objects using a network broadcast.

If it Pyro pickles objects for transmission it should work with PyObjC objects, but only if the programmer writes custom __reduce__ methods. PyObjC objects are not pickleable by default, because I haven't found a way yet to translate the native Cocoa serialization support (NSCoding) into Python's pickle mechansim.

Adding bonjour support on top of Pyro should then be easy enough: just use Cocoa's support classes for that.

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