[Pythonmac-SIG] problems with Distributed Objects and PyObjC

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Tue Oct 20 15:30:52 CEST 2009

On Tuesday, October 20, 2009, at 01:20PM, "Hamish Sanderson" <hsanderson at s-brandingsolutions.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>Trying to use Distributed Objects to communicate between PyObjC-based  
>processes on 10.5 and/or 10.6, but encountering various problems when  
>passing Python values, as illustrated below. The production code  
>currently only passes Python strings as arguments so I can work around  
>these issues for now by ensuring I always wrap them as NSStrings, but  
>it's going to create headaches if I start to use DO for more advanced  
>Anyone any thoughts? (Including suggestions for alternative LAN- 
>capable IPC options.)

Full DO support requires defining new protocols, which won't work on 64-bit builds.  Even the limited DO support you need may or may not work because it is a low-level library that might interfere with PyObjC. I don't have unittests or sample code for this and hence cannot guarantee that this will work.  

I will look into your issues though, but not today.

An alternative to DO is to use a native Python library (Twisted, XML-RPC, ...) combined with Bonjour.

>------- doserver.py -------
>from Cocoa import *
>class Server(NSObject):
>	def test(self, arg):
>		print 'received:', arg
>		return NSString.stringWithString_(u"ok")
>receiveport = NSSocketPort.alloc().initWithTCPPort_(8080)
>connection =  
>NSConnection.connectionWithReceivePort_sendPort_(receiveport, None)
>server = Server.alloc().init()
>------- doclient.py -------
>from Cocoa import *
>sendport = NSSocketPort.alloc().initRemoteWithTCPPort_host_(8080,  
>connection = NSConnection.connectionWithReceivePort_sendPort_(None,  
>proxy = connection.rootProxy()
>	print "reply", proxy.test(43)
>except Exception, e:
>	print e
># doclient.py fails:
># ValueError: NSInvalidArgumentException - *** -encodeInt:forKey: only  
>defined for abstract class.
>#    Define -[NSConcretePortCoder encodeInt:forKey:]!
>print "reply", proxy.test(NSNumber.numberWithInt_(43)) # OK
>	print "reply", proxy.test([]) # OK on 10.6
>except Exception, e:
>	print e
># doclient.py fails on 10.5
># ValueError: NSInvalidArgumentException - PyObjC: Encoding python  
>objects of type list is not supported
>print "reply", proxy.test(True) # OK
>print "reply", proxy.test(NSString.stringWithString_(u'hello')) # OK
>print "reply", proxy.test(u'hello') # OK on 10.5
># doserver.py fails on 10.6:
># ValueError: NSInvalidArgumentException - -[OC_PythonUnicode  
>#    unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x100261a80
>Hamish Sanderson
>Production Workflow Developer
>Sun Branding Solutions Ltd
>Tel: +44(0)1274 200 700
>Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG at python.org

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