[Pythonmac-SIG] Why is Framework build of Python needed

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Thu May 14 09:23:41 CEST 2009

On 14 May, 2009, at 4:31, Bill Janssen wrote:

> I think this depends on what you think the "native Mac GUI" is, and  
> what
> you want to do with it.  For instance, a non-framework build, combined
> with Xlib (http://python-xlib.sourceforge.net/) works quite well with
> the Apple X11 server, which in turn uses the native Mac GUI.

This is totally off-topic, but I don't think an X11 based UI is a  
"native Mac GUI". Anything that's a native GUI should at least conform  
to the usual UI conventions of OSX, such as a per-application menu  
instead of per windows menu's.

And to be honest, I even have doubts about a toolkit such as Tk which  
uses native widgets but has a rather un-mac feeling unless the  
developer really knows what he's doing. That explains why IDLE looks  
ugly on OSX, I don't know what I'm doing w.r.t. Tk on OSX, and AFAIK  
Python's stdlib doesn't even ship with all components that are needed  
to get a proper native L&F with Tkinter.


> Bill
> Brian Granger <ellisonbg.net at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I seem to recall that a Framework build of Python is needed if you
>> want to do anything with the native Mac GUI.  Is my understanding
>> correct?  If so, is this requirement documented somewhere?
>> Thanks!
>> Brian
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