[Pythonmac-SIG] selecting wxpython version with py2app

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 11 17:20:39 CET 2009

David Manthey wrote:
> I am using OS-X 10.5 (Leopard) with a wxPython program, and I want to
> bundle it into an application using py2app.  I currently have wx version
> installed, and when I run my python program on the command line,
> it works faultlessly.

What python are you using? Apple's? If so, there may be some confusion 
as to what to include and what not to -- I think py2app does not include 
the system python in the bundle, as that is expected to be there (It'll 
only run on 10.5 in that case) -- I"m not sure what it does with system 
packages, like wx2.8.4.0.

You might try using wxversion in your setup.py:

import wxversion

at the top.

Some of the confusion may be due to how Robin has built wxPython so that 
is will work with either Apple's or python.org's python -- all the real 
package is in /usr/local, and in site-packages, there are *.pth files 
that do the tricks required.

As a last resort, you might try manually including the wxPython package, 
and maybe even manually removing the old one.

If you are using a non-apple python, make sure that you are running 
py2app with that version.

In fact, you may want to use a python.org python anyway, a py2app bundle 
built on 10.5 will only work on 10.5.

> Or, alternately, how do I upgrade the system framework version of wx?

You don't want to do that -- never mess with something Apple has 
installed, there is no telling what may use it.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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