[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript path issue

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Thu Mar 5 19:32:33 CET 2009

Bill Janssen wrote:

> I'm trying to write this scrap of Applescript in Python appscript:
>  on run
> 	tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
> 		set this_item to path of active presentation
> 	end tell
> 	set unix_item to POSIX path of this_item
> 	display dialog of unix_item
>  end run
> which yields "/tilde/janssen/Documents", an NFS-mounted location.

Is that correct? Shouldn't the volume appear under /Volumes? Is the  
volume identified by this path mounted at the time you run this code?  
If not, try it and see what happens.

I'm not an expert on Unix mounting points, but my impression is that  
that is where they normally go. I've also noticed that HFS<->POSIX  
path conversions only produce a path beginning with /Volumes when the  
volume is mounted. I suspect the result given when the volume isn't  
mounted is wrong/undefined, but as I say I'm no expert in this area.

> I've got this:
>  from appscript import *
>  from mactypes import *
>  print File.makewithhfspath(app("Microsoft  
> PowerPoint").active_presentation.path()).path
> However, in this case, I get "/janssen/Documents", which is wrong.

Appscript uses CFURL functions to convert POSIX to HFS paths and vice- 
versa. (I'd have thought AS would use the same functions, but maybe  
not.) The relevant code is in the ae.c file for your reference. If you  
find a problem in the way that HFS<->POSIX paths are converted, I'd  
suggest writing up a test case in C to confirm the same behaviour  
there, then submit a bug report to Apple on it as its their APIs that  
are responsible for it.



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