[Pythonmac-SIG] Interpreter not initialized

Scott Frankel leknarf at pacbell.net
Fri Jun 5 08:04:42 CEST 2009

I'm using py2app for the first time to build a PyQt app.  I get the  
following error msg when I launch the app:

	Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)

I've downloaded macports and installed its python25, pyqt, &c.  I've  
issued the command, sudo python_select python25, and checked that  
python25 is selected with python_select -s.

 From searching the net and the archives, it's likely that the system  
python is seeping into the build process somewhere.  The info I've  
read says that python_select should take care of the problem.

Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

OSX 10.5.5
py25-py2app-devel @0.4.2_1

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