[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app/PyQt/64-bit/Mach-O

Marc-Antoine Parent maparent at acm.org
Mon Dec 28 18:39:37 CET 2009

> It's just Tkinter--I have a four-way build (32/64 bit for PPC and Intel) of Tcl/Tk.

Hmmm.... I tried adding Tkinter to my "includes". Interestingly, the framework did not get added; apparently because it is a system framework.
I then tried adding it explicitly with the "frameworks" option of py2app; still not included.
I had an old 32bit build of Tcl/Tk frameworks in /Library, that one got added without issues.
I also tried moving the /System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl,Tk to /Library/Frameworks; that also worked without a hitch.
Can I ask you where you got your Tcl/Tk?
And more to the point, do you really need it, since it's been part of /System since 10.4?

That said, I have noticed another anomaly:
Sometimes, when I apply py2app twice, I get an error such as this one:

/usr/bin/strip: the __LINKEDIT segment does not cover the end of the file (can't be processed) in: /Users/maparent/OpenSource/leo-editor/dist/leo-editor.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtXmlPatterns.framework/Versions/4/QtXmlPatterns (for architecture x86_64)

The solution for me is to wipe the "dist" directory and start fresh. ("build" is not an issue.)
Would you mind trying that, just in case?


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