[Pythonmac-SIG] Bundlebuilder and four-way universal binaries: alternative to py2app

Kevin Walzer kw at codebykevin.com
Wed Dec 9 02:22:41 CET 2009

Hi all,

I wanted to report that I've successfully built a four-way universal 
binary of one of my Python applications using bundlebuilder in Python 
2.6.2. I previously had problems with this because I got errors about 
argvemulator not being supported (apparently a Carbon function that 
doesn't exist in 64-bit mode).

Here are the steps I've taken:

1. In your setup/makeapplication.py script, don't import argvemulation.
2. When you run the setup script, make sure you call python2.6-all as 
the Python interpreter--this will hit the 64-bit and 32-bit versions. My 
call looks like this:

python2.6-all makeapplication.py build

And that's it.

I realize that bundlebuilder is going away in Python 3.x, and I have no 
idea if it would work if you simply separated out the bundlebuilder.py 
module and ran it with your own Python 3.x applications. I also 
understand that bundlebuilder is quirky and a less graceful solution 
than py2app: you have to do some trial and error to get all the packages 
bundled in your app. However, until py2app plays nice with four-way 
universal binaries, bundlebuilder will be a good short- and mid-term 
solution for me.

Just wanted to share,
Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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