[Pythonmac-SIG] Getting None in KVC objectInKeyAtIndex_

David Hain dhain+pythonmac at zognot.org
Mon Apr 13 19:00:30 CEST 2009

On Apr 13, 2009, at 2:10 AM, Johan Rydberg wrote:

> http://jimmatthews.wordpress.com/2007/07/12/objcselector-and-objcsignature/

Yes! That was exactly what I needed. I had actually thought that  
pyobjc could be interpreting a zero as nil, and did something like:

if index is None:
     index = 0

but then the program crashed with a Bus Error. I now assume that is  
because the bridge didn't know what to expect my method to return.  
With the signature line, I've told it to expect an object, so it works  

Thanks for the help!

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