[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Appscript in my application, how to include it in the bundle?

Joseph W. Losco joelosco at frontiernet.net
Wed Sep 3 13:58:03 CEST 2008

Hello Chris,
I just did the same thing however with only a pure python program with  
py2app, however I expect the process to be the same or similar at  
least.  With this it was a single enclosed app with no additional  

What i did to make it work was the following.
1) I removed all of the appscript eggs and references from  
easy_install.pth if you installed it by easy_install.
2) I did an easy_install appscript==dev to get the sources instead of  
the egg..
3) for me I had to also get the sources of py2app==dev and its 2  
dependancies macholib==dev and modulegraph==dev

Hope the helps some.

Joe Losco

On Sep 3, 2008, at 12:41 AM, Chris Stevens wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry if this has been previously addressed. I am writing an
> application in PyObjC and need to control various windows (some system
> commands and Keynote most notably, to export slides as individual
> images) using Applescript. I have had great difficulties using the
> scripting bridge to do this, as there seems to be zero documentation
> (i figured out how to control some itunes elements, but that was it).
> Then I found Appscript, and it makes it all so easy.
> My question is, I had to install Appscript from the source to get it
> working on this Mac. What will someone using my application have to
> do? Will they have to install Appscript seperatly? Will I have to
> include it in the installation package somehow?
> Thankyou very much for any suggestions,
> Chris.
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