[Pythonmac-SIG] Python 2.6 / appscript 0.18.1 DeprecationWarnings fix

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Wed Oct 29 19:50:37 CET 2008

Florian Höch wrote:

> I hope this is the correct place to send patches to :)

As a general rule, best to submit patches directly to the project in  
question; saves cluttering up discussion lists. (The appscript project  
doesn't have a bug/patch tracker set up, but you can email patches  
directly to me.)

> I noticed that appscript generates some DeprecationWarnings when used
> with Python 2.6.

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I ran into this issue a couple weeks  
back while testing against Python 2.6 and have fixed it in the svn  
repository trunk. I've also fixed a Unicode problem caused by changes  
in how 2.6's UTF-16 codecs behave on OS X (a known issue), so if  
you're using 2.6 then I recommend installing the latest revision from  
svn if possible:

	svn checkout http://appscript.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/appscript/py-appscript/trunk 

BTW, I'm aiming to get the long awaited 0.19.0 (beta 1) release out  
this week (I'd hoped to have it out sooner but I'm still polishing  
details), and will post an announcement when that happens.


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