[Pythonmac-SIG] Python 2.6 / appscript 0.18.1 DeprecationWarnings fix

Florian Höch lists+Pythonmac-SIG at hoech.org
Tue Oct 28 14:14:01 CET 2008

Hello list,

I hope this is the correct place to send patches to :)
I noticed that appscript generates some DeprecationWarnings when used 
with Python 2.6. It is easily fixed though (I've copied the fixup code 
verbatim from Python 2.6's ConfigParser.py):

--- appscript-0.18.1/Lib/aem/send.py.bak	Tue Nov 20 19:57:38 2007
+++ appscript-0.18.1/Lib/aem/send.py	Sun Oct 26 19:09:37 2008
@@ -132,6 +132,21 @@
  			raw : AppleEvent | None -- raw reply event, in case 
alternate/additional processing of error info is required, or None if 
error occurred while outgoing event was being sent
+	def _get_message(self):
+		"""Getter for 'message'; needed only to override deprecation in
+		BaseException."""
+		return self.__message
+	def _set_message(self, value):
+		"""Setter for 'message'; needed only to override deprecation in
+		BaseException."""
+		self.__message = value
+	# BaseException.message has been deprecated since Python 2.6.  To prevent
+	# DeprecationWarning from popping up over this pre-existing attribute, use
+	# a new property that takes lookup precedence.
+	message = property(_get_message, _set_message)
  	def __init__(self, number, message, raw):
  		MacOS.Error.__init__(self, *(message and [number, message] or [number]))
  		self.number, self.message, self.raw = number, message, raw

--- appscript-0.18.1/Lib/aemreceive/handlererror.py.bak	Tue Nov 20 
19:57:38 2007
+++ appscript-0.18.1/Lib/aemreceive/handlererror.py	Sun Oct 26 19:09:17 2008
@@ -11,6 +11,22 @@

  class EventHandlerError(Exception):
  	"""Event-handling callbacks should raise an EventHandlerError 
exception to send an error message back to client."""
+	def _get_message(self):
+		"""Getter for 'message'; needed only to override deprecation in
+		BaseException."""
+		return self.__message
+	def _set_message(self, value):
+		"""Setter for 'message'; needed only to override deprecation in
+		BaseException."""
+		self.__message = value
+	# BaseException.message has been deprecated since Python 2.6.  To prevent
+	# DeprecationWarning from popping up over this pre-existing attribute, use
+	# a new property that takes lookup precedence.
+	message = property(_get_message, _set_message)
  	def __init__(self, number, message=None, object=None, coercion=None):
  		self.number = number
  		self.message = message


Florian Höch

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