[Pythonmac-SIG] Folder Access Modes in Py2App Install

Doug Fort, Consulting Programmer dougfort at dougfort.com
Mon May 12 20:20:00 CEST 2008


We use Py2App to distribute SpiderOak. We're getting complaints from
users that when they install the product from an administrator account
(which they must do to write to /Applications), they can't run the
product from other accounts.

Examination shows that the top level .app directory has access mode 755

$ ls -ld /Applications/SpiderOak.app/
drwxr-xr-x  3 dougfort  admin  102 Mar 17 10:50 /Applications/SpiderOak.app/

However, lower level directories have access mode 700

$ ls -ld /Applications/SpiderOak.app/Contents/
drwx------  7 dougfort  admin  238 Mar 17 10:50

When I run chmod -R 755 /Applications/SpiderOak.app/ I can run from
the other users.

Is there a way we can persuade Py2App, and/or setup to set these access modes?

Doug Fort, Consulting Programmer

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