[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app mac

Mariano Di Felice mariano.difelice at gmail.com
Fri May 9 23:15:22 CEST 2008

Hi people!
  I have a problem about compiling my simple python script into a MAC app.

I have installed Python 2.5, wxPython2.8.7.1, PIL 1.1.6.
After, py2app from svn trunk version 0.4.2
I compile this on a mac PC Intel Minimac with OS Tiger version 10.4.11

This is my python source script:

import Image
import os
import sys
import wx
app = wx.PySimpleApp(0)
Image.new("RGBA", (400,400) )
wx.MessageBox("ciao", "")

and this is my setup.py script:

from distutils.core import setup
import os
#includes=["PIL", "PIL._imaging", "PIL._imagingft", "PIL._imagingmath",
"PIL._imagingtk", "Image", "PIL.Image"]
#packages = ["PIL"]
import py2app
plist = {}
 options={ 'py2app': { 'includes':includes, #'packages': packages,
          'compressed': True,
          'optimize': 2,
          'plist': plist  } },

Compilation works fine!

But.... when I run my test.app into another MAC ( this is a MAC
PPC Tiger without PIL, wxpython, etc etc ), I have more problems:

if I don't include any package, I obtain:

ImportError: The _imaging C module is not installed

And if I include
packages = ["PIL"]

I obtain this exception from console:
ImportError: No module named Image

I'm desperate!!!

thx very much

/\/\ariano Di Felice
Java PHP Python programmer
with MySQL, PostgreSql and Oracle support
Linux Platform Developer
+39 339 6407211
0735 703735
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